Tips and suggestions for a Happy Marriage

Marriage is an important institution created by man. It has lasted for several thousand years and is still popular the world over. There have to be some good reasons for people to get married. Let me list a few of them.



Marriage is the greatest responsibility that exists between two people. Husbands and wives are often called "life partners" because their relationship lasts for life. You have to take care of each other for life.


It is difficult to trust people while sharing your deepest thoughts because they can expose your vulnerabilities to the world. You can trust your spouse the most to share all your thoughts and feelings.


When married couples have children, the relationship is taken to the next level. Married couples can take care of children in the best manner because children can get the love and affection of both their father and mother. A child brought up by one parent misses part of the love forever. Children make the couples happy and give them a purpose to live life beyond participating in the rat race.


As man and woman are not complete in themselves, nature has distributed its bounties between them. When they are together as one, they get fulfilled as the other partner completes what the first partner lacks.


Married couples are required by the society to be loyal to each other. You can have several friends, but only one person whom you love. This loyalty provides a solid base on which you feel secure in a world where everything is so shaky and temporary. You feel blessed to have a loyal partner.


Franz Schubert said, "Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife." It is great to have a friend who is always at your side in the highs and lows. In bad times, even the good friends leave, except for the spouse.


The glue of a relationship between married couples is love. Their love has all the colours that love consists of. It may start at a physical level but then evolve to higher levels of emotional and spiritual fulfillment. Their love is sacred and holy due to the invocation of religion in every marriage. Sacred love binds the couple for life when other forms of love fail.

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